Monday, May 5, 2008

Choose a real choice not a dictated option

So it has been a while since I posted the first posting. This blogging thing is obviously new to me. Having said that, I resolved to post something on a weekly basis if only to record my current thoughts on the dismal state of our political environment.

When I last posted, the field of candidates was pretty wide for both parties. Mike Huckabee still had a chance at the Republican nomination. I can't tell you how many people told me they would have voted for him but "He doesn't have a chance". If only people would vote their conscience instead of voting for what they see as being the pragmatic view, we might see results that match our views. Instead we get what the handlers want for us. They decide who they think can win and they feed him to us as the only choice worth voting for.

I wonder how many people know that there used to be a real choice in America. During the run up to the civil war in the election Lincoln won, there were four candidates. In fact, the Republican party was so new they had never had a presidential candidate win before. My point is that during a time of difficult tension and strife, Americans voted their conscience and as a result they put on the ballot a bigger variety of choices. Today we are given the choices the party handlers want us to have. The result is rather than seeing a good crop of choices, we see just what the party knows it can control.

Is that how you want America to be governed? By back room deals? By funding from the biggest contributors? The campaign reforms of McCain Fiengold have only limited how much we can contribute directly to a candidate not how much we can contribute to 527 organizations. So while I can only give a small amount to say Obama, I can give millions to Move We all know where Move On stands. Just like we know where the NRA stands.

So now what has happened is we have restricted how much we can contribute to the politician of our choice. However, corporations even foreign corporations can contribute unlimited amounts to 527s. Why should a corporation be allowed to be involved in the political process at all? Corporations are not citizens. They cannot vote, they cannot serve in the military, they can move jobs and assets across borders freely. So why then should they be permitted to have such a strong level of influence over our political environment? America today is more of a government for the corporation rather then for the people. That is wrong and self destructive. I realize the corporations have a very tempting pool of funds, but since corporations by their very nature are self serving, and since corporations are becoming so multinational, the interest of a corporation are very likely to be at odds with the interests of the American people. If America is a government "of the people, by the people and for the people" shouldn't the people take back their control?

Unfortunately, the only way that will happen is if we elect politicians that are willing to give up all that money. Who am I kidding? No politician will stand up against the vast sums of money the corporations are throwing at them.

So in summary, I think we are suffering from a lack of control due to two factors: First we have given up on voting what we believe in and are voting for practicality. Second we have turned over our government to corporate interests. Sad to say, but I think America has been sold to the highest bidder. The corporations are the owners and they are funneling their control into the hands a a few puppets they know they can control. As long as Americans refuse to vote their mind, they will continue to be controlled by people with hidden agendas.

What do you think? Let me know.


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